Capuchino High School Technology Survival Guide
Remember: Use the 3 c's to discover what is the problem:
Configuration Conflict
(it's usually one of these, if not, unplug it and go home...)
Priorities are
Phone system ( safety
Wide Area Network Integrity
Backbone/ Local Area Network Integrity
Server security and functionality
Administration Office basic functions, network, printing, PC
Teacher PC security and functionality
Student Computer Lab security and functionality, Main Labs
first, class labs follow in priority
Classroom miscellaneous technology: Televisions, VCRs,
DVD players etc.
Software , installation disks
Basic Reset:
1.Unplug the cable between the Phone and the Network Drop.
2. Plug back in to restart.
3. Press the " * " button to enter the programming mode.
4. To keep current settings and advance through the settings, use the "
# " key..
5. The Most important setting of all is the VLAN ID. Set this to " 103 ", which is the VLAN ID for this campus.
6. If you have to change the extension, you will need the password, which can be one of three or four sets of passwords. ( thanks a lot to who ever set them up to begin with!!!) It should normally be "1,2,3,4," + # but it is anyone's guess on some of these.
7. The password/s is/are " 1,2,3,4," or " 1,2,3,4,5" or " 1,2,3" . If you press the "#" that will enter the password and hopefully that will accept the new extension.
8. Strongly Advise you to WRITE DOWN the extension number before you reset anything.
Complete Reset:
This is more fun.
1. Press the "Mute" ( ) button
2. Using the Dial pad, press the following keys iun sequence: 7 3 7 3 8 # this spells "reset", in case you hadn't noticed.
Choose one of the following
Press "#" to restart the phone or " * " to terminiate the restart and return the phone to it's previous state.
If you really really want to reset then press the " * " key.
A confirmation tone sounds and the display prompts " Restart Phone?"
The choices are
* = No
#= yes
If you reset then you WILL need to re-enter the extension so make sure it is available before you reset.
Follow the prompts through the various settings. Keep all of them except make SURE that the VLAN is 103 and that the extension is correct for THAT location.
If there are TWO cables connected to this phone, i.e. to a PC and the wall jack, then you will need to pay attention when the PHYS interfaces setup appears.
Here, make sure that PHY2 and PHY1 are both ON / enabled or you won't have all the connected devices operating.
Once you reach the end of the setup , it will ask if you want to restart phone.
# = yes ( use that one...) and * = No
Sometimes the phone
will take forever to restart or will fail to complete it's POST routine. Just
restart it
If the settings are correct, then it will locate the DHCP server VIA it's VLAN
ID and after it obtains an address it will be able to download a configuration
file and start successfully.
The only settings that are critical are the VLAN ID *(103) and if the phone is totally reset, the extension.
Other phone issues:
The tendency to twist the handset cable and otherwise abuse the connections seems to be a common source of "my phone doesn't work" complaints. Replace the cables or cut the cable and attach new connectors using the crimping tool etc.
The big phones never break, so if they are not functioning , try the above routine for the big console phones as well.
If you need a user
manual then go here: Avaya
Tech Support 4602 Model Phones
If all fails ,call ,replace phone with a good working model to test line integrity , if it's hopeless then call Richard Hardt.
This is not as scary as it sounds. If the wide area network link to the District Office Services is down , then you have only a couple of possibilities.
Phone bill not paid...or the main MPOE cable is disconnected. Check the telephone cable lines from the street to the MDF, and then over to the IDF in the ADMIN building, if the service is disrupted at any point then it should be obvious where the service is down. Use sequential logic to trace the backbone cables and find the break.
With any trouble shooting situation start with the very end and eliminate the possibilties in a widening circle,
This should include checking connectors, cables, power connections first on all distribution devices like switches and patch panels. If there is no apparent problem at the campus side of the WAN, then call Richard to assist you with evaluating the probem.
Backbone/ Local Area Network Integrity
Use common sense here. If a client PC is not connected, check the cable where it's connect to the NIC, then the wall connector. Open Ipconfig and run a renew / release routine to see if the DHCP server is responding. If not , then check the NIC by pinging "" or to determine if the NIC is OK. Are other devices in the same segment able to connect? If so the problem may be local to the PC.
If other devices in the same segment are also offline then go up the chain to determine where the problem lies. Cable, switch, next hop etc. Running a tracert "desination ip address" can reveal much.
Server security and functionality
AD1, IN1, IN2, Plato servers are all in the MDF closet located across from the Library.
The main thing here is the UPS systems that maintain power in the event of a power loss on campus. Never unplug the servers from the UPS, ever. They will maintain power long enough to take the servers down gracefully. Call Richard for specific instructions on how to power off the machines running Netware. The Plato server is running on a Windows 2003 Server. Treat this one as you would any windows machine. Start/Shutdown etc. Select one of the drop down options to specify the type of shutdown then select Shutdown.
Bringing the servers back up might be trickier if the Netware machines lost their configuration, but call Richard in any event.
Basic rule with servers: Call Richard Hardt..:)
Administration Office basic functions, network, printing, PC application
The Attendance Scanner at Janice Arnold's station is rather troublesome. Sometimes the sheets won't feed etc. To service this machine, first UNPLUG it AT the POWER STRIP/SURGE PROTECTOR, not where the power cable plugs in to the scanner. The cable clearly says to unplug first, do it that way only!
Then after that you can use a damp rag and window cleaner stuff to spruce it up. The rollers often get out of whack because the hinged gates are not properly seated. Check that they are snugly in place after cleaning the scanner. While cleaning , pay attention the rollers themselves, as they can cause feeding problems if they are dirty or pulled off of their drive axles.
This scanner only
works from a command issued first at Janice's PC. The conditions are this:
1. Novell Login ...PC must be logged in to jarnold in the admin context.
2. SASI must be logged into jarnold and functioning normally.
3. Use the proper Atom for issuing the scan commnad, then press the start button
on the scanner itself.
And if all that fails to produce the desired result , call Richard.
NDPS Printers
There are two of
these, users must have the right group permissions to map to these. The first
one is in J Harui office. It's name is CHS_ADMIN_LJ4000 . It has two driver
profiles, try both if the first one you map to doesn't work.
The other printer is CHS_Counseling, it is near Sandra Ginty's desk. If you
install Networked Printers, I strongly suggest that you always include a description
of where it is in the installation description. This helps the user to know
where they are printing if they are using more than one printer.
these is easy, usually.
Commom problems:
1. User not lgged in, or the NIC card never got an IP address.
2. User does not have credentials for THAT printer.
3. Printer not properly installed locally. (driver)
4. Printer in "Pause" condition, otherwise not "online"
5. Printer is in Powersave mode or in Offline state.
6. As always check the obvious, cables, connectors, power state before getting
too involved.
7. As always , restarting the client computer may clear up the issue.
The common requests in Admin are helping Paula Stokes use her email, Terri Wilson running out of hard drive space, Tess's automatic vacation message is not working/or won't turn off, moving Mr. Pepin's computer equipment around for him, Janice Arnold worrying about the Dialer program's list files, Judy Puccini's PC dropping off network, Mr. Thomas mouse failing to initiialize. All lof these are repeatig issues so you can guess on how to address them. Try being friendly, even if you are annoyed, then restart the PC, move some cables around under the desk, and all will be OK.
Occasionally you may be called on to assist users with applications, just do what you can to be of service, if it's over your head or "not your job", then make a note that I will address it when I get back.
Note: Try to make every visit an opportunity to educate the user so that next time they can feel confident and fix the problem without you.
Teacher PCs security and functionality
Teacher workstations
are in a state of flux, always. We are constantly moving in newer ones and upgrading
as we go. So there is not much uniformity in the type of hardware problems we
see in those machines. Don't assume anything about an apparent
symptom. Use the basic rules of troubleshooting.
Check the cable connections, configuration, and recent history, if all those
seem OK then if time allows go ahead and dig around for a solution. Remember
the only thing that is not replaceable is DATA. Everything
else is second im importance so do not use a course of action that will imperil
the users data and files without knowing that it is backed up somewhere secure
and safe.
When you enter a classroom, make sure the teacher is OK with you being there. Be as discreet as possible while working and try to be as quiet and undisruptive as possible. Don't volunteer to do things for any users without checking with Kyle before you do it, including installation of software etc. This saves having to undo anything and keeps *Rule One in effect.
If a problem looks like it is going to take up a great deal of time, then ask Kyle if you can replace it with an upgraded machine or loaner. Then address the problem computer when time allows, back inthe office.
These are the lowest priority (*normally) of all the PCs on campus. If one is not working right, then the user can move to one that is working.
Other than a major worm/virus attack, or a printing configuration problem the labs ought to be trouble free. As you know, wallpaper changing and downloading crap are the most common problems in the labs.
If it's critical that ALL of the labs computers be operational and one or two are not, go ahead and exchange them for working PCs.
Classroom miscellaneous technology: Televisions, VCRs, DVD players etc.
Most of these items are FRU's <field replaceable units> so if something breaks just find one that works to replace it. DVD players are new technology here so ask Kyle whenever someone requests one of these.
Everything you will need for Ghosting is on the Casper Server.
1. To ghost, set
the NIC at then start the DHCP server from the desktop icon (with
the NIC connected to a hub or switch!)
2. Open the Ghost Server interface and type in "BHS" in the session
3. Select the Ghost Image that is appropriate for the PC you are re-imaging.
4. check LOAD TO CLIENTS and click ACCEPT CLIENTS to start the Server.
5. Then use a Network Boot Disk to start the target PC.
6. If you have a successful boot, then select "L" to load the OS on
the client.
7. After the Ghosting process is complete, then you should be back at the A:\
prompt on the client.
8. Remove the Floppy Disk and ctrl+alt+del to restart.
To Re-image from CD Image.
1.Use the Disks
marked as Boot One and Boot Two.Start using One and then exchange it for the
Boot two disk.
2. Type the full path of the Ghost.exe command at the prompt. "ghost\ghost.exe"
3. Use the menu navigation to set it to DISK FROM IMAGE
4. You will have to tab around to the navigation window/box to find
the CD image, which is the letter R:
5. When the Ghost program is finished with the disk it will ask for
the second disk and then the next till it's done.
6. When it is finished, it will reboot to A:\ . Remove Boot Disk Two and ctrl+alt+del
to restart etc.
Most of the installation
programs for individual applications are on the Casper server, or in jstinnett
G:\ drive (Admin)
The master disks are in the grey filing cabinet.
Use these disks to make copies only, then use the copied disks
to install from.
The yellow binder contains the cd keys and serial numbers for the applications.
Have fun, and don't
forget Rule One.
If you really are stuck on something, call me on my cell phone. But remember,
I am three hours ahead of you in time.
That number is 415 378 3542
Email Addresses
* Rule One = All technology related service requests must go through Kyle Brumbaugh first. No exceptions, ever